Jade & I met through work… oh my goodness – I don’t even know how many years ago… 12 maybe?! Over the years I have known her to be such a good person & sweet friend! I was SO very excited & can’t even begin to express what an honor it was to capture this very special moment in Jade & Jim’s lives!

This was my very 1st maternity session… and as excited as I was, I was also so nervous. Their pregnancy is so special & long awaited, I really, REALLY wanted to do a beautiful job for them!  Their love for each other RADIATES, is SO sweet & the love they have for the babies that are about to join their family is quite apparent! I could not have enjoyed myself more, had a more wonderful couple to do it with or be more personally pleased with the results! We had SO much fun… starting at a nearby family park to symbolize the world they’re about to enter ;). Followed by Umstead Park… a very special location for both, as they love outdoor activities and whether on their own or in a race, spend a lot of time there. Then back to their home for a few final shots that resulted in one of my favorites… light glowing in through the nursery window as Jim holds Jade and joyfully gazes down at her belly! OOOH… they’re just so adorable!

THANK YOU both for allowing me to share in this time with you! Just love ya both to pieces & can’t wait to meet your 2 new additions next month!

Click HERE to view a slideshow of highlights from their galleries!

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