Announcing… Mini Session Events 2014!

I’m so excited to announce that I have 2 Mini Session days coming up! Not just regular mini session days, but a family event both for fall & for holiday… here at my home, with my family!

With finding my specialty in Women’s photography & moving my focus full steam ahead into it, I knew that I still wanted some way of staying connected with & available to my dear family/kiddo clients. After all, I’ve been so very blessed with the most wonderful clients I could ever imagine… I just adore y’all!

Then… we moved into our new house in January. A home with an acre yard & an abundance of big old lush trees! My mind started reeling & ideas have continued building as our yard started taking form, fence built, etc. Unfortunately, all the rain this summer, training, family, etc has put us a good bit behind where I’d expected our yard plans to be at by now. After all the initial time that starting a new business has taken, I’m also trying to get more focus back onto my family now… finding a healthy balance. So… despite my dreams, between the yard & the kiddos, I almost bagged the plans for this year. However… after much thought & discussion, we’ve decided to go forward AND… make it a family affair for all of us!

Ken has been helping me tackle the yard. The entire thing won’t be complete by any means, however, the areas that matter will be great (I’m working on letting go of some of my perfectionism ‘issues’ & trusting that y’all won’t judge a busy girl 😉 ). Next, the kids went with me the other day & helped pick out the perfect hay bales, cornstalks & mums for the fall set. They make FABULOUS mini assistants!

We’ve picked two days to have y’all over to our home. As I shoot your images, my family will also be out… spending time with y’all as you wait for your turn &/or if you’d like to hang out for a bit after. Chat with my hubby, Ken, as you grab a drink & snack on the deck. Little ones can do some crafts or play on the swingset with my Lizzy & Trey (after pics, of course 😉 ). I’m setting each session 30 minutes apart, allowing 15-20 for sessions… & a little time to visit with you myself (maybe even grab some lifestyle candids 😉 ).

Here’s the scoop…

While prints, digitals & other products are not included in the session fee… as always, there will be a full, all digi’s included, discounted collection & a smaller discounted set. (Sorry to be a pain, I was taught that it’s not as professional or classy to share all my rates openly online & choose to follow that lesson… so I appreciate y’all respecting that – just drop me a note & I’ll be happy to send these details to you)

I’ve got a few blanket options you can choose from, or feel free to bring your own…

Even have Ken’s childhood rocker to mix in for some individual shots of little ones…

The kids tested out the haybale seats for the comfy factor… and also pulled out their best “photographer’s child syndrome” so that you can rest assured… even if your child isn’t feeling it – I’m well versed & used to it ;)…


And then we got these examples for y’all (it was drizzly this morning & Trey’s getting over a cold so Lizzy got to pose it out on her own in the Holiday examples… she was loving it!! That being said, Trey did give me his very 1st “Mama? Can you take another picture of me?” when we did the fall ones on Friday… YAY, Me!!! 😀 )…

We look forward to seeing y’all here next month!! This will be my only family/kiddo mini opportunities for the rest of the year & going into next year. However, this event is open to both existing & new clients and we hope that either or both of these will become an annual event! Contact me directly at
with any questions or to get more info. Or if you’re all set to book… go straight to the booking request form to grab your spot!!


Yep… A BONUS! Thanks to my recent conference experience, the inspiring #ExistInPhotos Movement & touching feedback from a dear friend/former neighbor that I ran into at the grocery store the other day… I’m moved to offer an additional incentive for my Mama’s out there!! I want y’all to exist in photos too… not just squeezed into a family shot (or not even in photos at all… please at least hop into the family shot), but to truly shine & have memories of Y-O-U. Beautiful, artistic, professional images that make you smile, that you are confident & proud to look at!

So… every woman that books a 2015 session Experience for HERSELF* with me by their mini event date… taking the step to allow herself to see how beautiful she can be in photographs, to exist in photos for herself, her children and the people who love her… will get the session fee for her family/kiddos at either of the above mini session events waived! Yep, FREE!!

The Women’s Client Guide is now available on this site… contact me for the password or any other questions/info! Let’s get YOUR session booked, ladies!!

(*I’m okay if you want to do the experience with your mom/sister(s)/bff/even daughter IF of age for you not to be chasing around/stressing over – part of the experience is for you to relax, after all 😉 … but… it must be a woman’s session that is greatly focused on you as well. Fab Grad, Mini & Headshot sessions not included.)

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