Ronald McDonald House of Chapel Hill’s 25th Anniversary Gala

As any of you that have ‘liked’ my facebook page probably know already… I was quite thrilled to have the honor to capture the memories of the Ronald McDonald House of Chapel Hill’s 25th Anniversary Gala last month!

Supporting this organization had extra special meaning to me as my family was recipients of the kind generosity of the Ronald McDonald House of Greenville for numerous months after my dear, sweet niece, Ava was born out of town at just 25 weeks and only 1lb3oz. I can’t even imagine where my sister or the rest of our family supporting her would have been without such a great place to allow her or us to be there as Ava stayed in the NICU, growing stronger & stronger (Ava is now 7 1/2 and an amazing little lady that I just love to pieces! 🙂 )

To say this was my ‘1st big event’ might be a bit of an understatement… the next closest I had prior was friend/family child birthday parties in which I was the guest & relaxing as well 😉 . Despite this, Elizabeth at the Ronald McDonald House of Chapel Hill was confident in my work and trusted me with her event – something I will be forever honored & grateful for! I was quite nervous leading up to it, wondering who on earth was I to take this on… but… I did my research, trained, borrowed lighting equipment, got advice from fabulous experts (THANK YOU, Victoria Kelly!!!) and even enlisted my dear husband to come play my assistant for the evening! By the time the evening was here, I was fairly confident, relaxed and truly excited… and as it turns out, I was completely in my element!!! It was a great feeling, I loved the entire evening & even Ken shared with me that he got a chance to see ‘me’… doing my thing… seeing how comfortable & natural I was at this!

Here’s just a little glimpse of all the fabulous-ness that was put together for this event, great program, phenomenal music & joy that the attendees had…

Fabulous decor by Joann Sullivan, Sullivan Event Company

(My 1st ever ‘Ad’ 😀 😀 … )

Amazing music by Liquid Pleasure Super Show!

Click HERE to view the slideshow with even more images from this fabulous event!

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