Duke Gardens ‘Member Photographer’

I’m excited to share that I became an annual ‘Member Photographer’ with Duke Gardens this week… and am even listed on their site!!

Ever worry that it’s just not possible to get beautiful photos of your little ones or family outside during these blah winter months?! In scouting this location as a requested spot on my upcoming client’s lists, I was pleasantly surprised to see the amount of light & beauty there even this time of year! Despite things not being ‘in bloom’ yet and yeah, still plenty of brown, twiggy stuff… there was also plenty of green going on, light shining in and just simply beautifully done areas that withstand any month of the year! Here are a few QUICK shots I did as I rushed through the grounds on a lunch break! :):

The Entry & Center area…

The Asiatic Arboretum…

I love, love, LOVE this gorgeous old tree between the Asiatic Arboretum & Terraces – it seems like it would be pretty tricky to pull off a good shot of a child/family under all the light & shadows from the branches BUT how FABULOUS would it be if I can?!…

The Terraces…

The Blomquist Gardens…

As you can imagine… I changed my plans to not pursue becoming a member here just yet, RUSHED home & submitted my application immediately!! Stay tuned to see how I put some of these spots to the test with 3 little sweetie pies this weekend regardless of ol’ wintertime! 🙂

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