Jen Earns Certified Professional Photographer!


Jennifer Mink of Jen Mink Photography joins prestigious group as a Certified Professional Photographer (CPP)

RALEIGH, NC January 2018 – Jennifer D. W. Mink, CPP of Jen Mink Photography in Raleigh, North Carolina has earned the Certified Professional Photographer (CPP) designation from Professional Photographers of America (PPA).

Mink earned this designation after completing an intensive program that measures her artistic and technical competence. Professional Photographers of America currently recognizes fewer than 2,500 CPPs.

As a mother who found this career a little bit later in life, it quickly became very important to Mink to establish herself as a true professional in the industry, to be taken seriously and not be seen as a hobbyist or ‘just another mom with a camera’ as she often felt viewed. Celebrating five years in business this winter, it is important to her that she ensure for both herself and her clients that she always holds herself to the highest standards she can; that she is qualified as the best photographer possible, not just on the artistic level that she naturally came to this career with, but also the technical level that she has worked hard to learn.

Professional Photographers of America ( is the leading body for certifying imaging professionals. CPPs must complete a written examination, finish an image evaluation and adhere to a strict code of conduct. Certification must be renewed on a periodic basis, ensuring continued confidence in the professionalism of Certified Professional Photographers.

For more information on certification, visit Go to for booking information for Jennifer Mink, CPP.



I am pleased to announce that in November 2017, I achieved my CPP!! 

As a member of Professional Photographers of America (PPA) & Professional Photographers of North Carolina (PPNC), I’ve had my eye on earning my Certified Professional Photographer (CPP) designation for some time now. I knew it was an ambitious goal (as it very well should be) and one that I honestly wasn’t sure I could obtain. I know, I know – we are all hardest on ourselves. I believed in my ‘artistic’ abilities (it would’ve been foolish to leave my big corporate job 5 years ago to be doing this if I didn’t), I believed in (& adore with all my heart) the relationships that I have with my clients. However, the ‘proper’ technical side is something I’ve had to work at and learn from scratch. There are so many variables in the world of artistic careers that I try not to concern myself too much with others work. That also meant that I really had no idea if I would measure up, again, specifically on the technical front… and that is scary to face. I knew, however, that I wanted to stand tall knowing that I do measure up… officially.

So, at the beginning of 2017, I set myself a goal to face this dream and work on making it happen. I figured ‘realistically’ that if I at least got the ball rolling and put as much effort in as I could… that would be a great start, right?! It wasn’t easy around actually running the business and my family and well, life in general… but I really, REALLY wanted to earn this. As I sat in my class this past June, our teacher asked why each of us were there. I know that most of my clients & potential clients probably don’t even realize that such a thing exists and maybe don’t care, but I did. I wanted to know that I could meet these standards for them, and if not, learn what else I need to! I believe that as professionals, it is very important to hold each of ourselves to such standards. We may choose to deviate as our artistic eye desires within our work… but we should hold these standards in our skill set. And yes… honestly, I absolutely wanted to prove that I fit, that I measured up as a professional and that I was not ‘just’ another ‘mom with a camera’ as I would so often be treated. My reality, however, as I also had to leave day 1 early to attend my daughter’s recital was that yes, I am a mom. I am a mom who juggles also being a professional (we’ll save more on that for a whole other blog though… maybe 😉 ).  Through all of my juggling, I openly admit, I just missed passing the 1st round of my written exam. It is some seriously hard stuff! I simply could not get time in my world to study properly… or really at all. The perfectionist in me really struggled with this, I’m not sure I’ve ever failed something like that before, let alone something so personal & important to me. But I knew it was fair & accurate… I was not ready and I only wanted to achieve this by truly earning it! Before the next exam came around, I found (made) every opportunity I could to learn, learn, learn. The terminology is just not my forte BUT I learned it. I not only passed, but solidly so this time! Free to move on to Step 2 – Image Submission, I had heard how much tougher this portion was – it doesn’t matter how artistic your skills are for this, purely the technical aspects of the image. So when my first opportunity came around… I seriously debated waiting for the next round (or longer). But the overachiever in me set my focus once again. I braved critique to prepare my submission, reselecting and picking the best images I could to put forward. And… I passed!!!! There were quite a bit of happy tears shed (like all day long) when I received the news. So much weight & insecurities lifted right off my shoulders with that one email. My pretty gold tube with the above certificate arrived just before Christmas & I cried all over again! I can’t even begin to express how proud I am of this accomplishment, how thankful I am for the additional growth & learning that came with this journey… and how it all allows me to give my clients that much more!


Thank you to all my dear existing clients who saw & appreciated & valued what I bring to the table well before this.

MUCH forever gratitude and appreciation goes to my instructor, Al Audleman, who sadly passed away in early December. Without his passion for teaching and upholding quality & standards across our industry; his openness, honesty & patience, I may not have achieved this goal yet. He will forever have a special place in my memories & my journey. Thank you, Al!


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