Class of 2016 Fab Grad Spokesmodel Application

Thanks so much for your interest in representing Jen Mink Photography! I have selected my very outstanding Class of 2016 Spokesmodels & am beyond thrilled with how fabulous they are!!! They have truly exceeded my expectations & dreams! But… wait…

I’m opening up ONE more spot!!

I will continue to accept applications Friday, March 13th & possibly even Saturday, March 14th (basically, until the right girl applies) for one last Class of 2016 Fab Grad Spokesmodel position. Ideally, I’d like someone to add out our mix… someone a little quirky or edgy, someone you might not assume would be a spokesmodel, someone with a unique look or interest, etc. Must be like my other girls, in that you are responsible, driven & genuinely interested in this program & my work. Should also be available for our group session that will be held Sunday, April 19th (& if possible, hopefully also able to join our celebration/planning pizza party this Sunday evening). If you might fit this & are interested, please complete & submit the application below for consideration!

If you are a Sophomore this year & interested in applying to next year’s program… please go ahead & drop me a note! I already have some wonderful ideas & I’ll be happy to keep you in the loop as the Class of 2017’s program starts getting put together next winter!

… Jen